Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nothing new, really

Well, in the week and a half since I posted last, nothing really exciting is going on! So I could keep this really short, but why do that when I can spew useless babble!

I didn't realize today was bosses day, and my staff got me flowers and chocolate, which was really nice! I have a great staff! I got a new piece of software for work, I wish I had it at home, Microsoft Project! I don't have call to do much project management, but it's a very useful tool, I'm using it for class right now, but I see all kinds of uses for it in the future.

I left my flash drive at work last night, so I got home, and didn't have what I needed to do homework so I watched TV, which, honestly, I haven't done like that for a while. I watched How I met your mother, Big bang theory, Two and a half men, and Rules of Engagement. The funniest part of Big bang theory was when Sheldon's mom told him to get dressed and get his job back, he tells her "no", and she says "I'm sorry, did I preface that statement with 'if it pleases your highness?" I just love that line.

Other than that, today is the halfway point in the semester, so Yay! Almost done! Classes are good, project management is a lot more fun than I thought, and research methods is a lot of statistics that I haven't been exposed to in over 20 years! Yikes! But it's all good, especially once you learn how to make excel calculate the answers! I have to know the formulas to create the equations, so it's not cheating, it's a good use of my time!

Well, enough procrastinating, I have 2 papers due next Monday, and I have some minor editing to do on each one, but I'm basically done. I have a dentist appointment in the morning, then work, then interviews, then guess what? More homework!

I'm listening on my iPod to a mix of Fall out boy, Broadway show tunes, and Frank Mills. Remember Music box dancer from the 80's? I like that! Had to get the CD off eBay!


Anonymous said...

Ugh, all that project management talk. I know, I know it's a useful tool. I don't use it but I work with people that do. Some use it well, others don't which makes life painful for everyone else. Hard to explain but, yeah, it happens.
Haven't seen any of the shows you mentioned but we happened to be on the channel when a new show called Samantha Who? came on. It was very funny. Christina Applegate plays Samantha who has amnesia and of course remembers no one around her. I'll tune in again, it was good!
Good luck with the remainder of school. Sounds like you are doing well and enjoying it which is great!

SnowLeopard said...

You are doing so awesome! I also haven't watched TV in quite a while, but when I procrastinate, I read the same book I've been working on for about 2 months now...

Isn't blogging fun, when you can just type and type as an outlet, and it doesn't even have to be about anything exciting? Good to be caught up on normal life. :)