Friday, October 26, 2007

Good day!

We got Capstone results yesterday, and I did pass. Instead of a Thesis, Capstone is like comps but not oral. We had one week to choose three questions out of 11, and write a 15 page paper on each. It's pass/fail, no pass, no degree. Bummer! But I passed, and Butch took me and some friends out to Oski's for a little celebration! Watching the World Series, corned beef sandwich, margarita's and friends. Doesn't get much better than that!

Today is Nevada day, so we have the day off, which is nice. Nevada Day is officially on Halloween, and we used to get that off, but it was changed to the last Friday in October, I think so teachers could get a three day weekend. But since the library is open 7 days a week, no one there get's a 3 day weekend, unless your alternate holiday coincides with your regular days off. Not me this time!

Oh well, just have classwork to finish, then I'm officially done in December! Yay!

Have a great weekend, we have some friends coming in on Monday as a stopover on their way somewhere else, so that will be fun. Next week, Alexander has his wisdom teeth out, so not so much fun that week!
Take care all!

1 comment:

SnowLeopard said...

Corinne, that is so awesome that you are finishing in December! I know you wanted to just plow through this program, get it done and get back to normal life, and you've worked super hard to do it. Good for you! I got my grade back on my second paper today, and I only got a 14/15 because she said she didn't understand why I chose the topic I did, even though I thought I very clearly explained it... Oh well! I'll take it and be happy. :)