School's done, the kids go a little longer. I think Alexander's last final is Monday, and Allison's is Tuesday. Allison has to be out of the dorm by Thursday, then we'll be home together for a bit. I am off until the day after Christmas, and I'm being super lazy and watching TV. I' almost caught up with Desperate Housewives. I watched all the "previously, on Desperate Housewives" for the seasons I did see, then I'm watching the episodes I missed, but I'm going to miss a few episodes that aren't on They have all the ones from November and December, up until the writers strike, but the September and October ones I might have to purchase through iTunes.
I have DH, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Boston Legal and Big Love to watch. I told you I was being super lazy!
We're pretty much done with Christmas shopping. When the kids were little, we talked a lot about the meaning of Christmas, and told them that the Wise Men brought baby Jesus three gifts, and we were keeping Christmas at three gifts for us as well. They have always been okay about it, they didn't get greedy, they understood the reason, and it taught them to carefully request their gifts. We've kept up on that, and it's a good thing!
I had a signed lithograph and a copper etching from the same artist, given to me as a gift, and Butch had those framed for me for Christmas, and they are beautiful. If you get the chance, look for a book called St. Nicholas and the Valley Beyond, by Ellen Kushner, art by Richard Burhans. I bought this book when it was published in 1994, and fell in love with it. I wanted mine signed, so I located the artist, and sent him the book to sign. He did, it was great! Then, our library has an annual fundraiser where we create literary themed baskets for auction, and when I told the artist we were going to base our basket around his book, one thing led to another, and he donated a set of signed prints, and a copper etching, signed and numbered, and even came to Reno for the event! What a grand evening! So I got to meet him and his wife, they are a lovely couple! For Christmas last year he sent me a signed and numbered copper etching! Anyway, long story longer, that's what I had framed!
Okay, enough babbling! Happy holidays to everyone!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Stick a fork in me...I'M DONE

Well, that's it folks! I just finished and turned in my last final exam. It is due on Sunday, but I stayed up really late last night to finish it, then I proof-read it and refined it a little bit and turned it in. I think I officially become a graduate on December 15, next Saturday. Yay! I will walk through graduation in Vegas, since it will be shorter!
I turned in all my other assignments early, and now I just have to pay attention to the discussion boards for the last week of school, but I have no real committments for classes. It feels really good, and I am anxious to have a life again!
I stayed up really late to finish my final, so we could pick up Allison and go see "The Golden Compass", and get our Christmas tree and decorate it. The movie is pretty true to the book, not exact, and skips a ton, and doesn't even finish the book, but still a good show. Then we went to Cabela's just to look around. I've never been there, they make their own fudge on site, it's pretty good, and they have a restaraunt right inside the store! Huge aquarium of freshwater game fish. Anyway, Allison went to a birthday party, so she didn't go get our tree with us, we'll put it up and decorate it tomorrow.
Oh, and I won an auction on ebay for a new nativity set. Obviously, it's the picture you see up top. It's made from banana fiber, the waste product from harvesting bananas, and is made outside Nairobi, Kenya. It was unique, and I didn't have one from Africa. I have some that represent Africa, but not actually made there.
Have a great day, people!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Penguin Nativity
Monday, November 26, 2007
Nativity Collection
I've been collecting Nativity sets for several years now, and it's getting harder to find new and unique sets. My friend Kathy got this one for me a few years ago. I think the thing I like most about this one is the absolutely tender way Mary is looking at baby Jesus. I like the natural wood look of Joseph's staff, too. More to come!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Happy Holidays
Thanksgiving has come and gone, but I have an entire turkey's worth of meat in my freezer! Why? Because Alexander invited a bunch of friends over, which was fine, and we expected to eat around 2 or 3. With the amount of teenage boys we had over, we went ahead and got 2 turkeys to deep fry. As the afternoon wore on, no one came over, at which point Alexander asked if we could eat later. So we fried both turkeys, and ate at 6. Well, the REST of the story was that his friends were having Thanksgiving with their folks, so by the time they got here, they weren't hungry. Hence the incredible amount of turkey I have leftover! I did get some awesome stock out of 2 turkey carcasses!
I began decorating for Christmas, have a long way to go. See, I collect Nativity sets, I have over 50 sets, and they must all be unpacked and set up. I can do it in a day if I spend the entire day on it. I didn't spend the entire day on it this time!
We're having our annual open house on Friday the 21st, so it will have to be done by then! I have 3 weeks of school left, yay! Again, the people in my class didn't take the quiz in time, so of course there was another extension. Did you ever think that you would get coddled in grad school? I didn't, and frankly, I'm disappointed.
So I think I'm done with all the big assignments, and it's all downhill from here! Just posting to the discussion board, and evaluating a research paper for research methods.
Well, maybe with Joanna's help, I'll figure out how to put up pictures of my Nativity sets! If I can figure out where I stashed the photos! I think they are on the backup hard drive in the safe, so I'll have to drag that out!
Have a great holiday season with the people you care about!
I began decorating for Christmas, have a long way to go. See, I collect Nativity sets, I have over 50 sets, and they must all be unpacked and set up. I can do it in a day if I spend the entire day on it. I didn't spend the entire day on it this time!
We're having our annual open house on Friday the 21st, so it will have to be done by then! I have 3 weeks of school left, yay! Again, the people in my class didn't take the quiz in time, so of course there was another extension. Did you ever think that you would get coddled in grad school? I didn't, and frankly, I'm disappointed.
So I think I'm done with all the big assignments, and it's all downhill from here! Just posting to the discussion board, and evaluating a research paper for research methods.
Well, maybe with Joanna's help, I'll figure out how to put up pictures of my Nativity sets! If I can figure out where I stashed the photos! I think they are on the backup hard drive in the safe, so I'll have to drag that out!
Have a great holiday season with the people you care about!
Monday, November 12, 2007
So I've been working really hard on a project so I can have it finished before Thanksgiving, even though it's not due until December 5th. Some of my co-workers give me a hard time when I get bent out of shape for losing a point here or there in my coursework. Well, kids, hard work pays off!
Today I was notified that I was selected to join Beta Phi Mu, the International Library and Information Studies Honor Society. Woo Hoo! Only 25% of the graduating class each semester can be selected, and of course you have to have good grades. So I'm excited, and it's nice to see hard work pay off!
Good night, and have a great week!
Today I was notified that I was selected to join Beta Phi Mu, the International Library and Information Studies Honor Society. Woo Hoo! Only 25% of the graduating class each semester can be selected, and of course you have to have good grades. So I'm excited, and it's nice to see hard work pay off!
Good night, and have a great week!
Friday, November 9, 2007
General nothingness
Ever have one of those days? I have three classes right now, and I bust my butt to get all my work done in a timely manner, and I don't procrastinate, even in my research methods class. So far this semester, EVERY class has posted an announcement celebrating procrastination. One was for a TEST of all things, that ended at 12 pm on a certain day, and a bunch of people missed the deadline, because they thought 12 pm was midnight, not noon. Now, I don't know what the instructor intended, but it opened on a Monday morning, and was listed to close at noon on Thursday. So everyone who missed it on Thursday after noon, posted that they missed, blah, blah, blah, and the instructor opened it for two more days because of the inconvenience. Excuse me? Is this grad school or kindergarten? If I had know that, I wouldn't have stayed up till midnight on the only night I had to do it, I could have waited and done it on my day off.
Another class has quizzes we take for each module. These are worth points, people. So then, an announcement comes out that the instructor notices that not everyone is taking the quizzes, which open and close at specific times, usually a week and a half to get them done, and the instructor announces that he's made them all available again so people can go back and take them. Are ya kiddin me?
Then yesterday, the last class had an announcement that because of a technological issue, he's extended a test by a few days. For Pete's sake, everything is listed in the syllabus, and you should go read it, and plan accordingly. Grrrrr.
Okay, enough ranting. We've just started the inferential statistics part of our research methods class, and it's not as scary as I thought. Once you learn the terminology and the formulas, and what they are used for, it's easy. I'm VERY relieved! Project management has one more big paper due, then a couple of cases studies to do, and collection development has two more big papers due, but I'm done with one of them. We had to write a paper about the ramifications of the USA PATRIOT Act on confidential library records. Did you know the USA PATRIOT Act won some award for acronyms? It really stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America: Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act"
Just thought you'd want to know that. I'm not going to get into the politics of it, or personal beliefs, because I'm not up for the fight.
Well, another week closer to the end of the semester! Yay!
Another class has quizzes we take for each module. These are worth points, people. So then, an announcement comes out that the instructor notices that not everyone is taking the quizzes, which open and close at specific times, usually a week and a half to get them done, and the instructor announces that he's made them all available again so people can go back and take them. Are ya kiddin me?
Then yesterday, the last class had an announcement that because of a technological issue, he's extended a test by a few days. For Pete's sake, everything is listed in the syllabus, and you should go read it, and plan accordingly. Grrrrr.
Okay, enough ranting. We've just started the inferential statistics part of our research methods class, and it's not as scary as I thought. Once you learn the terminology and the formulas, and what they are used for, it's easy. I'm VERY relieved! Project management has one more big paper due, then a couple of cases studies to do, and collection development has two more big papers due, but I'm done with one of them. We had to write a paper about the ramifications of the USA PATRIOT Act on confidential library records. Did you know the USA PATRIOT Act won some award for acronyms? It really stands for "Uniting and Strengthening America: Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act"
Just thought you'd want to know that. I'm not going to get into the politics of it, or personal beliefs, because I'm not up for the fight.
Well, another week closer to the end of the semester! Yay!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Cup o' tea
Nothing much is happening. Had a chat for class, so I grabbed a cup of tea to weather the whiners. How many different ways can you ask the same question, without actually reading the assignment? Apparently, lots.
6 weeks till graduation, that's good. Good day today, got to see pictures of my brother and sister-in-law's house in Phoenix, it's beautiful! And I got Halloween pictures of my cousins in Colorado, that's always nice! AND, I talked to my cousins in Nebraska, or actually, Alvin and the girls moved to Kansas! It was so fun to catch up! Gilly didn't remember who I was, so wouldn't talk on the phone, and Laney doesn't remember me either, but didn't care, talked to me anyway! Silly girls! Ashlynn is only 2, so not talking on the phone really!
My godson had surgery, it went great, yay, and he's resting comfortably! I always worry, but everything went fine!
Work is great, I love what I do, but having to trim 660,000 of our budget was hard, and really, where are you going to save that kind of money? Personnel, salaries and benefits. So we went from a hiring "delay" to a freeze.
Then, the county decided that if you were hanging on for the last couple of years so you could get your health benefits paid for when you retire, they would pay your health benefits if you retire early. Honestly, that's why a lot of people work for the county or state, for the benefits, so this way if they leave those positions vacant for a little while, there is a lot more than a 600/month insurance premium to be saved.
So, the director announced retirement, the development officer, a branch manager, the young people's librarian, so far. I think it will get worse. There is only so much we can absorb, and still stay open to the public.
Our County manager was voted an increase with her annual evaluation, you know what she did? She's the best! She gave 15,000 to the employee scholarship fund, and declined the rest, in light of the county economy. I think she deserves the raise, because for heaven's sake, we can't afford to lose a leader that's effective.
Oh well, have some papers to write, and really, only a couple of people read this, so have fun!
6 weeks till graduation, that's good. Good day today, got to see pictures of my brother and sister-in-law's house in Phoenix, it's beautiful! And I got Halloween pictures of my cousins in Colorado, that's always nice! AND, I talked to my cousins in Nebraska, or actually, Alvin and the girls moved to Kansas! It was so fun to catch up! Gilly didn't remember who I was, so wouldn't talk on the phone, and Laney doesn't remember me either, but didn't care, talked to me anyway! Silly girls! Ashlynn is only 2, so not talking on the phone really!
My godson had surgery, it went great, yay, and he's resting comfortably! I always worry, but everything went fine!
Work is great, I love what I do, but having to trim 660,000 of our budget was hard, and really, where are you going to save that kind of money? Personnel, salaries and benefits. So we went from a hiring "delay" to a freeze.
Then, the county decided that if you were hanging on for the last couple of years so you could get your health benefits paid for when you retire, they would pay your health benefits if you retire early. Honestly, that's why a lot of people work for the county or state, for the benefits, so this way if they leave those positions vacant for a little while, there is a lot more than a 600/month insurance premium to be saved.
So, the director announced retirement, the development officer, a branch manager, the young people's librarian, so far. I think it will get worse. There is only so much we can absorb, and still stay open to the public.
Our County manager was voted an increase with her annual evaluation, you know what she did? She's the best! She gave 15,000 to the employee scholarship fund, and declined the rest, in light of the county economy. I think she deserves the raise, because for heaven's sake, we can't afford to lose a leader that's effective.
Oh well, have some papers to write, and really, only a couple of people read this, so have fun!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Good day!
We got Capstone results yesterday, and I did pass. Instead of a Thesis, Capstone is like comps but not oral. We had one week to choose three questions out of 11, and write a 15 page paper on each. It's pass/fail, no pass, no degree. Bummer! But I passed, and Butch took me and some friends out to Oski's for a little celebration! Watching the World Series, corned beef sandwich, margarita's and friends. Doesn't get much better than that!
Today is Nevada day, so we have the day off, which is nice. Nevada Day is officially on Halloween, and we used to get that off, but it was changed to the last Friday in October, I think so teachers could get a three day weekend. But since the library is open 7 days a week, no one there get's a 3 day weekend, unless your alternate holiday coincides with your regular days off. Not me this time!
Oh well, just have classwork to finish, then I'm officially done in December! Yay!
Have a great weekend, we have some friends coming in on Monday as a stopover on their way somewhere else, so that will be fun. Next week, Alexander has his wisdom teeth out, so not so much fun that week!
Take care all!
Today is Nevada day, so we have the day off, which is nice. Nevada Day is officially on Halloween, and we used to get that off, but it was changed to the last Friday in October, I think so teachers could get a three day weekend. But since the library is open 7 days a week, no one there get's a 3 day weekend, unless your alternate holiday coincides with your regular days off. Not me this time!
Oh well, just have classwork to finish, then I'm officially done in December! Yay!
Have a great weekend, we have some friends coming in on Monday as a stopover on their way somewhere else, so that will be fun. Next week, Alexander has his wisdom teeth out, so not so much fun that week!
Take care all!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Nothing new, really
Well, in the week and a half since I posted last, nothing really exciting is going on! So I could keep this really short, but why do that when I can spew useless babble!
I didn't realize today was bosses day, and my staff got me flowers and chocolate, which was really nice! I have a great staff! I got a new piece of software for work, I wish I had it at home, Microsoft Project! I don't have call to do much project management, but it's a very useful tool, I'm using it for class right now, but I see all kinds of uses for it in the future.
I left my flash drive at work last night, so I got home, and didn't have what I needed to do homework so I watched TV, which, honestly, I haven't done like that for a while. I watched How I met your mother, Big bang theory, Two and a half men, and Rules of Engagement. The funniest part of Big bang theory was when Sheldon's mom told him to get dressed and get his job back, he tells her "no", and she says "I'm sorry, did I preface that statement with 'if it pleases your highness?" I just love that line.
Other than that, today is the halfway point in the semester, so Yay! Almost done! Classes are good, project management is a lot more fun than I thought, and research methods is a lot of statistics that I haven't been exposed to in over 20 years! Yikes! But it's all good, especially once you learn how to make excel calculate the answers! I have to know the formulas to create the equations, so it's not cheating, it's a good use of my time!
Well, enough procrastinating, I have 2 papers due next Monday, and I have some minor editing to do on each one, but I'm basically done. I have a dentist appointment in the morning, then work, then interviews, then guess what? More homework!
I'm listening on my iPod to a mix of Fall out boy, Broadway show tunes, and Frank Mills. Remember Music box dancer from the 80's? I like that! Had to get the CD off eBay!
I didn't realize today was bosses day, and my staff got me flowers and chocolate, which was really nice! I have a great staff! I got a new piece of software for work, I wish I had it at home, Microsoft Project! I don't have call to do much project management, but it's a very useful tool, I'm using it for class right now, but I see all kinds of uses for it in the future.
I left my flash drive at work last night, so I got home, and didn't have what I needed to do homework so I watched TV, which, honestly, I haven't done like that for a while. I watched How I met your mother, Big bang theory, Two and a half men, and Rules of Engagement. The funniest part of Big bang theory was when Sheldon's mom told him to get dressed and get his job back, he tells her "no", and she says "I'm sorry, did I preface that statement with 'if it pleases your highness?" I just love that line.
Other than that, today is the halfway point in the semester, so Yay! Almost done! Classes are good, project management is a lot more fun than I thought, and research methods is a lot of statistics that I haven't been exposed to in over 20 years! Yikes! But it's all good, especially once you learn how to make excel calculate the answers! I have to know the formulas to create the equations, so it's not cheating, it's a good use of my time!
Well, enough procrastinating, I have 2 papers due next Monday, and I have some minor editing to do on each one, but I'm basically done. I have a dentist appointment in the morning, then work, then interviews, then guess what? More homework!
I'm listening on my iPod to a mix of Fall out boy, Broadway show tunes, and Frank Mills. Remember Music box dancer from the 80's? I like that! Had to get the CD off eBay!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
It's official, I'm a geek
In one of my classes, I submitted a paper on September 9, and didn't get feedback until today! However, the word outstanding was used several times, and then he asked if he could use my paper in future classes as an example of work. How cool is that!? I was very excited, it's nice to be validated!
Okay, enough of that. This morning we got up and took the dogs to the dog wash. Its a little room at the end of the car wash building, where they have a nice big tub with rubber mats in it and a ramp so your dog can walk up. For $5, you get ten minutes of shampoo, rinse, conditioner, disinfectant, etc. And a nice powerful blow dryer at the end! This is the first time we've used it, so we weren't sure how it worked, but it looks like you can pause your time to lather up the dogs, then switch to rinse, etc. We got both dogs washed and dried in the 10 minutes allotted without pausing. The water started out cold, but got warmer, and the dryer is VERY powerful, but kind of cold. At least we don't have to clean the tub at home, it's inexpensive, and someone comes and disinfects the tub when you're done! How great is that! Allison usually washes the dogs, but this is pretty easy, and other than getting your shirt wet because that's just what happens with dogs, it's painless!
So the rest of the day is going to be spent on homework, and moving laundry around.
Have a great day!
Oh, and I'm sure you've gotten tons of e-mails about the Mom Song on Youtube, but if you haven't seen it, you should take a peek. Especially all moms, and kids of moms!!!
Okay, enough of that. This morning we got up and took the dogs to the dog wash. Its a little room at the end of the car wash building, where they have a nice big tub with rubber mats in it and a ramp so your dog can walk up. For $5, you get ten minutes of shampoo, rinse, conditioner, disinfectant, etc. And a nice powerful blow dryer at the end! This is the first time we've used it, so we weren't sure how it worked, but it looks like you can pause your time to lather up the dogs, then switch to rinse, etc. We got both dogs washed and dried in the 10 minutes allotted without pausing. The water started out cold, but got warmer, and the dryer is VERY powerful, but kind of cold. At least we don't have to clean the tub at home, it's inexpensive, and someone comes and disinfects the tub when you're done! How great is that! Allison usually washes the dogs, but this is pretty easy, and other than getting your shirt wet because that's just what happens with dogs, it's painless!
So the rest of the day is going to be spent on homework, and moving laundry around.
Have a great day!
Oh, and I'm sure you've gotten tons of e-mails about the Mom Song on Youtube, but if you haven't seen it, you should take a peek. Especially all moms, and kids of moms!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Okay, this is funny!
So my brother tells me his availability is until 4pm on the two days he is here. We make arrangements for lunch, which will be lovely. Dinner would have been great, cause we could have caught up over a glass of wine, but he has plans. I tell Allison about our plans for lunch, and she tells me she's going out to dinner with her Uncle and her friends (his treat!). No wonder he doesn't have time to have dinner with me! Alexander and I had lunch with him at Macaroni Grill though, and it was good! Allison and her friends had a great time, showed him the dorm, etc. How special that he would take the time to spend time with just the kids! I was really touched! (Well, okay, until the evil pool man called during lunch!)
Anyway, it was nice to see him, and next time maybe Alexander won't have to work and they can go out. It's funny, Alexander is so much like his uncle, I get them confused when I talk to them, and they aren't even together! Very funny.
Anyway, it was nice to see him, and next time maybe Alexander won't have to work and they can go out. It's funny, Alexander is so much like his uncle, I get them confused when I talk to them, and they aren't even together! Very funny.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I got a nice surprise last night, my brother from Phoenix sent me a text that he is going to be in town Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and we get to have lunch together on Tuesday! yay! Maybe we can get the kids to come. With school and work, I'm not sure they'll get to, but at least I will! what a nice surprise!
I have a paper due on Tuesday, I'm pretty much done with it, but it seems so short, I'm not sure I addressed everything I was supposed to. Oh well. The paper I spent all my time on isn't due until the 8th, so I'm in good shape there!
It's October, and I'll be done in December, so I'm getting very anxious to be done.
Okay, busy week ahead, so I'll catch ya later!
I have a paper due on Tuesday, I'm pretty much done with it, but it seems so short, I'm not sure I addressed everything I was supposed to. Oh well. The paper I spent all my time on isn't due until the 8th, so I'm in good shape there!
It's October, and I'll be done in December, so I'm getting very anxious to be done.
Okay, busy week ahead, so I'll catch ya later!
Friday, September 28, 2007
More of the same
It's been a crazy week at work, had some staff call in sick, we're working really shorthanded, and then we found out we had to cut 5% off our annual budget, about $661,000 for the whole system. Could be worse, at least our county manager will do everything she can to avoid layoffs, so that's good.
School is going well, it's nice to have the big stressful project out of the way. Capstone for an online degree program is like comps for any other, but we don't have to orally defend it. It's a series of essays, and leading up to it was REALLY stressful, but now it's over! We had to do three essays, and then each of our essays is read by two subject expert professors, and a third if there is a question of pass/fail. So, the professors at UNT now have 600 essays to read! We should find out around Halloween if we passed. It's one week out of your life, I took the whole week off work, but probably didn't have to. I also have three classes that don't stand still for capstone, so I had to keep up in those classes as well.
Allison is doing well in the dorm, she's on dorm council, she has great friends, and she's pretty social, so this is a great experience for her. She's still looking for a job, and I hope she get's one soon, she wants to live in the dorm again next year, but without a job, or a job as the RA for the dorm, we probably can't swing that for her. Alexander is still at home, but starting to assert his independence! He wants to buy a house, and the market is right for someone who saves the cash for a down payment, and he can get a steal in the next couple of years if he positions himself to do it.
House feels empty some of the time, but it's okay. I think we're happy with the decisions the kids make, for the most part!, so being on their own doesn't especially scare me. I'll always be concerned about their safety, but they don't do stupid things, so it's all good!
Well, I have a conference next week, that should be fun!
School is going well, it's nice to have the big stressful project out of the way. Capstone for an online degree program is like comps for any other, but we don't have to orally defend it. It's a series of essays, and leading up to it was REALLY stressful, but now it's over! We had to do three essays, and then each of our essays is read by two subject expert professors, and a third if there is a question of pass/fail. So, the professors at UNT now have 600 essays to read! We should find out around Halloween if we passed. It's one week out of your life, I took the whole week off work, but probably didn't have to. I also have three classes that don't stand still for capstone, so I had to keep up in those classes as well.
Allison is doing well in the dorm, she's on dorm council, she has great friends, and she's pretty social, so this is a great experience for her. She's still looking for a job, and I hope she get's one soon, she wants to live in the dorm again next year, but without a job, or a job as the RA for the dorm, we probably can't swing that for her. Alexander is still at home, but starting to assert his independence! He wants to buy a house, and the market is right for someone who saves the cash for a down payment, and he can get a steal in the next couple of years if he positions himself to do it.
House feels empty some of the time, but it's okay. I think we're happy with the decisions the kids make, for the most part!, so being on their own doesn't especially scare me. I'll always be concerned about their safety, but they don't do stupid things, so it's all good!
Well, I have a conference next week, that should be fun!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Time for some fun
Well, all my commitments for right now are finished. So, I need to get out of the house for a while, which probably means a trip to Costco. Woo-Hoo I lead an exciting life!
I tidied up my workspace, I have like 30 books to return to the library, and I need hot tob chemicals. So, I'm ready to go out for a little bit. Maybe even talk Butch into a movie. Oh, I watched "The gun in Betty Lou's handbag" last night, it's a charming as ever. I need to order a couple of movies, War Games, Ocean's eleven (with the rat pack).
Well, the posts are boring, I can't concentrate, so I'll sign off!
I tidied up my workspace, I have like 30 books to return to the library, and I need hot tob chemicals. So, I'm ready to go out for a little bit. Maybe even talk Butch into a movie. Oh, I watched "The gun in Betty Lou's handbag" last night, it's a charming as ever. I need to order a couple of movies, War Games, Ocean's eleven (with the rat pack).
Well, the posts are boring, I can't concentrate, so I'll sign off!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Taking a break
We had a really easy winter last year, well, drought like. Not much in the way of snow or rain, so summer was hot and dry. In the last couple of days the weather has kind of turned, it actually rained last night! Smelled so lovely, rain! I think we got 5/100 of an inch, but for us that's spectacular! Makes the roads really slick because of the buildup of engine oil and dirt, and people get stupid, but I was at home.
I lit the first fall candle last night, I adore candles. My Virginia Creeper has turned this lovely purple color on the gazebo in the backyard, and I have a million tomatoes. I'm practically hawking them on the street. I'm the only one in my family that eats tomatoes, and I have too many. Next year I will only plant grape tomatoes, they taste like candy, they are so sweet. I like cherry tomatoes, but I like grapes better. I also have beefsteak, and they are just now turning red.
Cucumbers are pretty much done, and peppers also. I might plant more beans next year, a week apart so I can have them all summer. This year the cucumbers wrapped themselves around the bean plant, and practically swallowed it. Less cucumbers next year.
It's cool enough to get in the hot tub! I actually took a break and got in this afternoon, felt great after sitting at the computer for 4 days!
Okay, catch y'all later.
I lit the first fall candle last night, I adore candles. My Virginia Creeper has turned this lovely purple color on the gazebo in the backyard, and I have a million tomatoes. I'm practically hawking them on the street. I'm the only one in my family that eats tomatoes, and I have too many. Next year I will only plant grape tomatoes, they taste like candy, they are so sweet. I like cherry tomatoes, but I like grapes better. I also have beefsteak, and they are just now turning red.
Cucumbers are pretty much done, and peppers also. I might plant more beans next year, a week apart so I can have them all summer. This year the cucumbers wrapped themselves around the bean plant, and practically swallowed it. Less cucumbers next year.
It's cool enough to get in the hot tub! I actually took a break and got in this afternoon, felt great after sitting at the computer for 4 days!
Okay, catch y'all later.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
It's almost time
Well, school has been going well, Monday is when Capstone opens. I have one week to select three questions out of 10, research and write essays on them. In lieu of a thesis, it should show the student's ability to assimilate all the information of the courses, and culminate in a logical and organized paper.
I think I should be fine, I'm a decent writer, I can type without looking at my fingers, and I bought a new bag of coffee beans! It's been an interesting ride, grad school. Some people tell me that EVERYONE in grad school gets an A or a B, yet I completely freak out if I lose a point! Different than undergrad school, where, frankly, I scraped by. But, 20 years later, I'm doing it for me, and it's in a field I truly am passionate about. I think there is a distinct advantage to getting into your career before going back, but then, some careers require it from the beginning.
So I have a new module open tomorrow for my collection development class, but I should be able to get through the reading, and work on the assignment in enough time to have the last hurrah outside for movie night. That's right, another movie night! It's getting chilly, so won't be able to have many more, and we did buy a fire pit to make a fire in case it gets cold.
Our choices for tomorrow are:
Princess Bride
Practical Magic
War Games
The gun in Betty Lou's handbag
Party Girl
My personal choice I think is LadyHawke, but I'll watch anything, it's all about the friends coming over!
Well, for capstone, I'm going underground for the week, starting Monday, so I'll post when I'm done with the exam/essay. Capstone is Pass/Fail, and we won't get results until early November. If all is right with the world, it will be Pass, and December 14, I'll be done! Yay!
I think I should be fine, I'm a decent writer, I can type without looking at my fingers, and I bought a new bag of coffee beans! It's been an interesting ride, grad school. Some people tell me that EVERYONE in grad school gets an A or a B, yet I completely freak out if I lose a point! Different than undergrad school, where, frankly, I scraped by. But, 20 years later, I'm doing it for me, and it's in a field I truly am passionate about. I think there is a distinct advantage to getting into your career before going back, but then, some careers require it from the beginning.
So I have a new module open tomorrow for my collection development class, but I should be able to get through the reading, and work on the assignment in enough time to have the last hurrah outside for movie night. That's right, another movie night! It's getting chilly, so won't be able to have many more, and we did buy a fire pit to make a fire in case it gets cold.
Our choices for tomorrow are:
Princess Bride
Practical Magic
War Games
The gun in Betty Lou's handbag
Party Girl
My personal choice I think is LadyHawke, but I'll watch anything, it's all about the friends coming over!
Well, for capstone, I'm going underground for the week, starting Monday, so I'll post when I'm done with the exam/essay. Capstone is Pass/Fail, and we won't get results until early November. If all is right with the world, it will be Pass, and December 14, I'll be done! Yay!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day
Had a lovely day off, caught up with most of my schoolwork, so I didn't have too much to work on, and Allison came home for the weekend! We found a printer/copier/scanner at Costco for 65 bucks, so she brought her laptop home and we got it all set up. The printer came with a disc for Windows XP, and all the new computers run Vista, so we made sure it was working with new drivers etc.
The rib cook off was fun, ate too much, but our favorite won this year. Sadly, it was a chain, I always root for the independent vendor! The news tonight said that 50,000 people came for the cook off, and 100 tons of ribs were served! It now is the biggest BBQ in the world. Come see it some time!
Not much else going on, I am actually caught up on my work, but tomorrow starts another week!
Thanks for reading, I'll be back eventually!
The rib cook off was fun, ate too much, but our favorite won this year. Sadly, it was a chain, I always root for the independent vendor! The news tonight said that 50,000 people came for the cook off, and 100 tons of ribs were served! It now is the biggest BBQ in the world. Come see it some time!
Not much else going on, I am actually caught up on my work, but tomorrow starts another week!
Thanks for reading, I'll be back eventually!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Okay, school has started for me as well as the kids, so I'm going to take a few minutes to say hi!
I have three classes: Research methods (which right now is more about research methodology and evaluating research papers, so that's good!) Information Resources Development, and Project management. I like all the classes, but they are pretty intense. I think I might like to get a copy of Microsoft Project for managing projects, I viewed the demo online, and I can see so many uses for it.
So I work all day, spend about 4-6 hours after work on homework, and almost all day on my 2 days off. I have very little free time, but have December 14 circled on my calendar.
We did get invited to the "Best in the West Rib Cook-Off" on Sunday. You can buy seats at a table, and you can stay from noon to 9 p.m., all you can eat and drink, and you can come and go to the craft area. This way you don't have to go to each individual booth, stand in line, and pay for a rib sampler. Which, in all honesty is 2$ per bone, so a sampler of 3 bones is 6 bucks. If you want to try the 50 or so competitors, it can get pricey. Plus sides and beverages. So buying a seat at a table is alos pricey, but you get a place to sit with your friends, some wait service for beverages, etc., and we're right next to the entertainment. This time the band is Loverboy! The 80's rock!
Well, I'll see when I can take a couple of minutes to post later in the week.
I have three classes: Research methods (which right now is more about research methodology and evaluating research papers, so that's good!) Information Resources Development, and Project management. I like all the classes, but they are pretty intense. I think I might like to get a copy of Microsoft Project for managing projects, I viewed the demo online, and I can see so many uses for it.
So I work all day, spend about 4-6 hours after work on homework, and almost all day on my 2 days off. I have very little free time, but have December 14 circled on my calendar.
We did get invited to the "Best in the West Rib Cook-Off" on Sunday. You can buy seats at a table, and you can stay from noon to 9 p.m., all you can eat and drink, and you can come and go to the craft area. This way you don't have to go to each individual booth, stand in line, and pay for a rib sampler. Which, in all honesty is 2$ per bone, so a sampler of 3 bones is 6 bucks. If you want to try the 50 or so competitors, it can get pricey. Plus sides and beverages. So buying a seat at a table is alos pricey, but you get a place to sit with your friends, some wait service for beverages, etc., and we're right next to the entertainment. This time the band is Loverboy! The 80's rock!
Well, I'll see when I can take a couple of minutes to post later in the week.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Well, Allison and Leslie are all moved into the dorm. Well......except for the things they continually call home for! Paper, another fan, more pillowcases, the list goes on. Good thing we're close! It feels weird not to have her around, but I figure I'm in for once a week or so, since she will have to do laundry. We broke down and bought her a notebook computer today, there was a decent deal on a basic computer at Best Buy, and we went to the University bookstore to purchase Office 2007, and it was 79 bucks! Bonus for students!
Chad moved on Wednesday as well, while we went to dinner with Mike and Julie, Leslie's parents. I guess I expected some sort of closure, like even a "goodbye", but nothing. Then we came home and watched Wild Hogs outside on our new big screen! Butch got it all hooked up, and I can do it myself with the winch. It's very cool! You can even find big screens online with speakers and the whole bit, and they're inflatable! Oh, I digress!
So Alexander is home (sort of), he's busy with school and work, although it turns out he might be allergic to the tint that's used in mixing paint. He was up last night with horrible itching and a rash.
Mike and Julie and Butch and I have been friends since the girls started in Daisy Girl Scouts in Kindergarten, so we're going through the empty nest thing at the same time. So there will be game nights, movie nights, and dinners for us together.
School starts for me on Monday as well, and I have 3 classes this semester. I'm a little nervous, because I have taken 3 at a time, and it's a lot of work, but I think I'll be fine. Okay, I'll probably post once more before school starts, but then I'll be really busy, so I'll try to take time and post now and then!
Chad moved on Wednesday as well, while we went to dinner with Mike and Julie, Leslie's parents. I guess I expected some sort of closure, like even a "goodbye", but nothing. Then we came home and watched Wild Hogs outside on our new big screen! Butch got it all hooked up, and I can do it myself with the winch. It's very cool! You can even find big screens online with speakers and the whole bit, and they're inflatable! Oh, I digress!
So Alexander is home (sort of), he's busy with school and work, although it turns out he might be allergic to the tint that's used in mixing paint. He was up last night with horrible itching and a rash.
Mike and Julie and Butch and I have been friends since the girls started in Daisy Girl Scouts in Kindergarten, so we're going through the empty nest thing at the same time. So there will be game nights, movie nights, and dinners for us together.
School starts for me on Monday as well, and I have 3 classes this semester. I'm a little nervous, because I have taken 3 at a time, and it's a lot of work, but I think I'll be fine. Okay, I'll probably post once more before school starts, but then I'll be really busy, so I'll try to take time and post now and then!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Vacation Getaway
I had a full week of work, and an all day staff retreat in Incline Village, so instead of coming home with everyone else, Butch and I stayed up at the lake. He is being a great sport, since I had some time between semesters, I got to do whatever I wanted. Which pretty much consisted of sleeping in, having coffee, laying by the pool, taking a nap, and watching a movie! He's the best, made fillet's for dinner, with fresh peaches and oranges with it. Simple, but I didn't have to do it, and it was tasty!
I have the whole next week off, but because we couldn't get a whole week at the resort, we'll go home Sunday, and come back for Monday and Tuesday. More doing nothing on my agenda! Then, on Wednesday, we'll be moving Allison into the dorm. She is going to love it, it will be really good for her! Alexander will stay at home through college, which is fine, he's trying to save his money to buy a house when he graduates.
Anyway, it's been a great couple of days, and I look forward to hearing from you all! (Ok, I know of only 2 people that read my blog!)
I have the whole next week off, but because we couldn't get a whole week at the resort, we'll go home Sunday, and come back for Monday and Tuesday. More doing nothing on my agenda! Then, on Wednesday, we'll be moving Allison into the dorm. She is going to love it, it will be really good for her! Alexander will stay at home through college, which is fine, he's trying to save his money to buy a house when he graduates.
Anyway, it's been a great couple of days, and I look forward to hearing from you all! (Ok, I know of only 2 people that read my blog!)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Back at work
Update from last night!
We started hanging out about 6, Amber came over about 6:30, and we had some snacks and drinks. Like I said, Amber makes a great chocolate cookie drink. Sadly, they are SO easy to keep drinking because they taste like candy.
Then, we went to Natasha's house to see if she was coming over, and she did, then we walked to Shelley's house, then Phyllis' house. We sang christmas carols! It was fun. Then, we watched Footloose. After that movie, Liz had to go home, it was late. Then Amber, Julie and I watched the little mermaid. Okay, I dozed off and on.
Anyway, we had a good time, and I had to get up and come to work this morning, but it wasn't bad, actually.
Well, this week is just work, then Thursday, Friday and Saturday we're going to stay at the lake for a couple of days. Nice! Relax, catch up on some fun reading before classes start!
We started hanging out about 6, Amber came over about 6:30, and we had some snacks and drinks. Like I said, Amber makes a great chocolate cookie drink. Sadly, they are SO easy to keep drinking because they taste like candy.
Then, we went to Natasha's house to see if she was coming over, and she did, then we walked to Shelley's house, then Phyllis' house. We sang christmas carols! It was fun. Then, we watched Footloose. After that movie, Liz had to go home, it was late. Then Amber, Julie and I watched the little mermaid. Okay, I dozed off and on.
Anyway, we had a good time, and I had to get up and come to work this morning, but it wasn't bad, actually.
Well, this week is just work, then Thursday, Friday and Saturday we're going to stay at the lake for a couple of days. Nice! Relax, catch up on some fun reading before classes start!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Using Free Time
Okay, this free time gig is pretty good! I didn't get up too early this morning, that was great. Then, we worked on the movie screen for outside, then went to see Bourne Ultimatum. After the movie, we went to look at some of the classic cars from the car show, then came home and did more nothing.
There are TONS of things I should do, but it felt really good to do nothing! Watched the Illusionist at home, it was too hot to be outside, then Allison came home and wanted us to go bowling, so we did. First game I bowled a 52, and the second game I bowled a 101. Not great scores, but great improvement!
Anyway, I'm thinking about Blast from the Past, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, or Princess Bride for our movie night. We'll see what happens!
There are TONS of things I should do, but it felt really good to do nothing! Watched the Illusionist at home, it was too hot to be outside, then Allison came home and wanted us to go bowling, so we did. First game I bowled a 52, and the second game I bowled a 101. Not great scores, but great improvement!
Anyway, I'm thinking about Blast from the Past, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, or Princess Bride for our movie night. We'll see what happens!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Free time
I turned in my final project for the term that ends tomorrow, and it feels weird to not have to rush home and hop on the computer to do school work! So now I'm playing on the blog!
I have a couple of weeks without homework, but still have to work! I'll be super busy starting August 27, when school starts up, but at least it's my last semester. I'm kind of proud of the fact that I still worked full time, and shaved 2 semesters off the program by doubling up on the classes. Some were hard, some weren't too bad.
Kinda late to the degree, since I've been in my dream job for about 7 years. I'm as high as I can go without a degree, but honestly, it's pretty much as high as I want to go, and it's pretty high in any library system. I might change my mind, I love the public service piece, but I think I'm pretty good at managing and supervising.
Anyway, Saturday is girls night out, (or in, in this case!) Outdoor movie, and margaritas! We can't decide what to watch, but it has to be cheesy. Last time we watched Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, mighty cheesy and 80s big hair! Because we back up to the park, we try to keep the movies at PG13 or less, there are a lot of people in the park after dark. I know, parents shoud supervise their own kids, but you never know!
I'm leaning toward Miss Congeniality, Princess Bride, or the Incredible Mr. Limpet! Okay, it would be fun to watch War Games, too!
If you have ideas for a cheesy movie, leave a comment!
Well, thanks for reading, again, my life isn't that interesting, so....yeah!
I have a couple of weeks without homework, but still have to work! I'll be super busy starting August 27, when school starts up, but at least it's my last semester. I'm kind of proud of the fact that I still worked full time, and shaved 2 semesters off the program by doubling up on the classes. Some were hard, some weren't too bad.
Kinda late to the degree, since I've been in my dream job for about 7 years. I'm as high as I can go without a degree, but honestly, it's pretty much as high as I want to go, and it's pretty high in any library system. I might change my mind, I love the public service piece, but I think I'm pretty good at managing and supervising.
Anyway, Saturday is girls night out, (or in, in this case!) Outdoor movie, and margaritas! We can't decide what to watch, but it has to be cheesy. Last time we watched Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, mighty cheesy and 80s big hair! Because we back up to the park, we try to keep the movies at PG13 or less, there are a lot of people in the park after dark. I know, parents shoud supervise their own kids, but you never know!
I'm leaning toward Miss Congeniality, Princess Bride, or the Incredible Mr. Limpet! Okay, it would be fun to watch War Games, too!
If you have ideas for a cheesy movie, leave a comment!
Well, thanks for reading, again, my life isn't that interesting, so....yeah!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Okay, so a lot of my friends have blogs, and I thought I'd give it a try, although seriously, I wonder why people would read it!
So this is my inaugural blog, I'm experimenting with the process, and we'll see where it takes me.
I have one more semester of grad school, and I'll have my Masters in Library and Information Sciences, and a Graduate Academic Certificate in Advanced Management in Libraries and Information Agencies. Basically, that means I specialized in management classes.
I have a cheesy "I'm too old for this" MySpace account; I created it when my kids had theirs, and I wanted to make sure they were appropriate. Now, both my children are adults, and I don't check up on their accounts anymore! But they still post to my account now and then, so I keep it!
Well, this has been fun, we'll see if I keep it up!
So this is my inaugural blog, I'm experimenting with the process, and we'll see where it takes me.
I have one more semester of grad school, and I'll have my Masters in Library and Information Sciences, and a Graduate Academic Certificate in Advanced Management in Libraries and Information Agencies. Basically, that means I specialized in management classes.
I have a cheesy "I'm too old for this" MySpace account; I created it when my kids had theirs, and I wanted to make sure they were appropriate. Now, both my children are adults, and I don't check up on their accounts anymore! But they still post to my account now and then, so I keep it!
Well, this has been fun, we'll see if I keep it up!
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