Sunday, September 30, 2007


I got a nice surprise last night, my brother from Phoenix sent me a text that he is going to be in town Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and we get to have lunch together on Tuesday! yay! Maybe we can get the kids to come. With school and work, I'm not sure they'll get to, but at least I will! what a nice surprise!

I have a paper due on Tuesday, I'm pretty much done with it, but it seems so short, I'm not sure I addressed everything I was supposed to. Oh well. The paper I spent all my time on isn't due until the 8th, so I'm in good shape there!

It's October, and I'll be done in December, so I'm getting very anxious to be done.
Okay, busy week ahead, so I'll catch ya later!

1 comment:

SnowLeopard said...

My paper only ended up being 12 pages, with only 2 citations, and 2 personal communications. I hope that was enough! I was fishing for stuff to cite for this paper. It just didn't need any! Did you get your grade yet? I am excited for you that you are almost done- envious, proud, and ready for a semester off too! Whew! 2 down, 3 more to go...