Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It RAINED!!!!!

You know you live in Nevada when rain is a cause for celebration! It has been hot and dry, and westerly winds from California has us completely socked in with smoke. Weeks and weeks of smoke.

So when the clouds rolled in yesterday afternoon, there was a sense of fear, because in Nevada, thunderstorms bring fire, not rain. So imagine our delight when it rained! Of course, the downside, is that when we aren't used to rain, it makes a complete mess! Flooding, slick roads from the oil buildup, etc. But at least we woke up to clean(ish) air! Still smoky, but much better!

So Friday night movie night is the Princess Bride! Cult classic--it's the one movie I don't mind if people talk through (as long as they use the same words and timing of the film!) You don't get to make up your own soundtrack, but it is a favorite for silly quotes!

Looking forward to more rain!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Busy Days

It's been really busy at work, the end of the fiscal year brings all kinds of reports, renewals for subscriptions, etc. We have 4 vacant positions, 3 out on sick leave, well, 4 today, and one on vacation. I'm just whining, I'm well aware of that, but it's been busy, everyone is feeling the stress, and times are getting more and more tense.

It's been hot, and smoky. California is on fire, and with the westerly winds, we have had smoke in the area for over two weeks. It's worse in California, I'm sure, but it's bad here.

I got three books and two movies in on hold today, a veritable bonanza of stuff to read and watch. Movie night is going to be Spiderwick Chronicles on Friday. The movie doesn't really matter, it's about having some folks over and having a good time!

Nothing else is new, just pluggin away!