Thursday, February 19, 2009

I need your help finding...

a tea mug!

It was a dark and stormy.... oh wait, wrong intro!

About 20 or so years ago, in Moscow Idaho, I bought a unique tea mug, and I would LOVE to find more. Here are a couple of pictures!

Yes, I'm aware it looks like a urinal! When the tea bag is in the mug, and you're done with it, but maybe want to use it again, you can use the string to pull the tea bag into the triangular pocket above the handle. If you are out scouring craft fairs, and see this, let me know!!


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Been a while, eh?

So the really funny part is that when I don't post for almost three months, no one notices! Cracks me up. I mean, I like social networking, but face it: I'm boring.

Work is fabulous, mostly because I still have a job, everyone in my household is employed, but my brother in Washington (an appraiser--need I say more?) has been out of work for a few months. I hear he's starting with the post office for the holiday season, I admire the fact that he's out there trying to get a job, and doesn't have some inflated perception that there is only the "right" job.

The library cut 15% of our budget at the beginning of the fiscal year, and we have to cut about 7 1/2% more. Another 846,000 dollars. Youch.

Allison broke her foot in her Jazz dance class at UNR in October, and surgery a week later, and was completely off it for 6 weeks with a pin sticking out of the bottom of her foot. Just before thanksgiving she got the pin pulled out, and now can walk with a boot on. She can start wearing shoes in another week, I think. I'll be happy when she can drive again!

Alexander is working at a local supermarket, and going to school. not much exciting going on.

The bus company didn't get a bond approved during elections, and has to cut about 20-25% of their budget, which means cutting services.

Other than that, I have Bunco here on Friday, the Friday after that is our annual holiday open house, where I set up all my nativities, and we enjoy some time with friends.

Well, for the two of you that read this, happy holidays, but you're the two I talk to all the time anyway!