Thursday, September 20, 2007

Taking a break

We had a really easy winter last year, well, drought like. Not much in the way of snow or rain, so summer was hot and dry. In the last couple of days the weather has kind of turned, it actually rained last night! Smelled so lovely, rain! I think we got 5/100 of an inch, but for us that's spectacular! Makes the roads really slick because of the buildup of engine oil and dirt, and people get stupid, but I was at home.

I lit the first fall candle last night, I adore candles. My Virginia Creeper has turned this lovely purple color on the gazebo in the backyard, and I have a million tomatoes. I'm practically hawking them on the street. I'm the only one in my family that eats tomatoes, and I have too many. Next year I will only plant grape tomatoes, they taste like candy, they are so sweet. I like cherry tomatoes, but I like grapes better. I also have beefsteak, and they are just now turning red.

Cucumbers are pretty much done, and peppers also. I might plant more beans next year, a week apart so I can have them all summer. This year the cucumbers wrapped themselves around the bean plant, and practically swallowed it. Less cucumbers next year.

It's cool enough to get in the hot tub! I actually took a break and got in this afternoon, felt great after sitting at the computer for 4 days!

Okay, catch y'all later.


joannala said...

I haven't read in a while. My Mom was here visiting for 10 days so I was out and about playing with her and had a great time! Now I'm catching up on your blog as well as mine.
I LOVE tomatoes. And home grown tomatoes are the BEST - if I were there, I would sure help you eat them. I just came home from the store and plum tomatoes were on sale. I bought a few for our salad tonight. Usually when they are on sale, I buy a huge bagful and slow roast them in the oven. They are soooooooo good done that way. It's too hot to have the oven on for a long time so hopefully, I will see them on sale again after the weather cools down a bit. It is getting cooler here too. It's in the high 90's during the day and down to mid 70's at night which is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

"me" I always forget to put my name when I post - DUH